Monday, May 23, 2016

Better luck next week!?

Week 3 is done! Boot camp started back up last week, which is much better for me, because I am not as self-motivated as I should be. I think every night I set out clothes to wake up, and go run, and never ever did. I did workout once over my lunch on Friday, which felt great, and because there wasn’t a bonus boot camp day, I felt pretty obligated. Mary should be proud of the new guilt she has instilled in me to work out, even when she isn’t teaching class! Waking up early is just not something I don’t think I can ever get used to, without having something to go to. I don’t understand how people do it all the time. I mean, why on earth would you ever want to willingly get out of bed that early everyday?!?! By that early, I mean 4:30 am. I can see 5:30… that’s fine. But 4:30?!?! I still don’t know how I do it.
I will admit, this week could have gone way better for me. I was really hoping to get my but in gear, and try to get some good cardio in to prepare me for Zumba classes, but that wasn’t the case. I think I was so wound up from the last couple of weeks, that I just took it easy on purpose. Dinners were not even very eventful at my house, we were going to have friends over on Sunday, and took out 4 big sirloins, but our plans didn’t work out, so we pretty much had steak every night last week. Not that I am complaining! I love steak! We had grilled stead, steak quesadillas, I had a sliced steak sandwich one day for lunch. Just a little too much of anything gets old, well to me anyway.
This week was more about me connecting with people, and spending quality time, which is good for the soul. I met (randomly) this great gal here in Chadron named Christa. She sells Lularoe (a fantastic, and very cute clothing line) and I found her on Facebook.----- Side note, if you haven’t already, and if you like cute, comfortable clothes, you should look up her site. Christa Katen is her name. I probably added most of you to her page already, because I love supporting local self-employed businesses when I can. Also, she is awesome, and these clothes are awesome. Check them out. You won’t be disappointed. Ok, side not finished. --- I requested to be added to her local page, and ended up buying a shirt from her. Later on she asked me if I was from Idaho, which I am (OF COURSE I AM IDAHO IS AMAZING, I LOVE IDAHO!!!) is what I wanted to say. Turns out she is only two years younger than me, and grew up a couple of hours away from me. She has a son around Anna’s age too, so we tried out a play date, which went OK. I mean, we both have only children, who are at the age where everything is theirs… so there was a lot of crying, because they wanted what each other had. Seems about right I guess. On Friday I offered to help her set up for a ‘pop up party’ at her house to try to get some people to come by and look at her clothes. I had the BEST TIME! It brought back my high school days helping out at my mom’s shop, and I got to hang out with a cool Idaho person, while still living in Nebraska. I drank about a bottle of wine… so that \also was a plus to my Friday night. Ok, maybe more than a bottle, but who’s counting!
Saturday we went to Clint’s aunt Marijo’s son Jon’s graduation party. Both of us were hanging a little, and the drive is a bit long, but once we got there we had a great time. It was great to see everyone, I always like Merchen gatherings, and nothing is ever dull or old. Anna and I rode Marijo’s horse too, she loved it. I am so glad I have such a brave kid who loves to try out almost anything. That kid sees an animal, and she wants to pet it. If she sees any cows, they are her papa’s cows. If she sees a horse, she needs to ride it. She also showed up to the party in jeans, a cowgirl jean jacket, and a pink tutu, courtesy of her Grammie sending her the cutest clothes in the world. Clint's Uncle Darren and Mae came over for dinner afterward, I love spending time with these guys. Seriously fun people, and they always make me laugh. We need to get up to hot springs so I can get better at drumming (there is a mini Merchen band), don't worry I'll post videos whenever it happens!
Sunday we went to my in-laws to brand the calves out there. Very nice and relaxing, and I didn’t have to cook. I went off the deep end a little and made homemade tortilla chips, with cheesy queso dip, and Laura made homemade strawberry ice cream. I guess what I am saying is that I needed to indulge, but I went a little over board. Time to get back on the train, and start moving again. I also felt like crap after eating that food. Its good to know that the healthier food I am eating makes me feel much better. I think I saw a meme this week that said “wouldn’t it be nice if the label on what you old told you how you would feel an hour later?” yes. The answer is yes. I do really really wish that.

It’s really great meeting with so many likeminded, health conscious people lately. I know that when people are not into what I am into, it can get pretty annoying listening to me talk about working out, eating new foods, making new recipes, cleansing, protein, or whatever, but I am happy to have met the people I have so far. Thank you to anyone that has been open minded enough to learn more about what I have been up to these days, and all of the support I have gotten too. Without it I probably would have never gotten the confidence I have to get going.
New goals for this week:
  1. Work out 5 out of 7 days.
  2. Make a new recipe that would be on the ‘clean eating’ approved list.
  3. Spend three nights away from  my computer/phone and with Anna until 9 pm.

Thanks again for reading everyone!!

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