Wow… is it really 4 weeks already?? I cannot believe this is already 1/3 of the way through, how nuts!! The isabody challenge ends 8/2/2016 for me, and I just booked my tickets to go to Celebration with my good friend Molly, who I haven’t seen in YEARS! I am so glad that we have connected, and we are building my new business together. I’ll admit it’s a lot to handle also working a full time job, with a self-employed husband, who is also getting his master’s degree (yes he is a really good a multi-tasking), but the last few months have opened my eyes to something better, which is helping people. I used to think of my life as a very negative thing, too much to do, too little time. I never have enough money. I never get to go on vacation. I have to work all the time. I can’t lose weight. I can’t afford it. How negative and awful right?? Well I’ve realized that because of my negative mindset, I have been failing at tasks I could have accomplished years ago. If only I would have just believed in myself. Sounds pretty simple right?? I’m not a psychiatrist, I’m not a doctor, and I don’t know it all. But I do know now that if you tell yourself you can, you CAN, and you WILL. I started learning this during my workouts. Once I told myself “get out of bed!!!” I did, every day. And when I kept telling myself “Push harder, you can finish”, turns out, I could. I’m not perfect, and I still have doubts about things, but I now know that as long as I have confidence, and believe that I can accomplish what I set my mind to, it WILL HAPPEN!
This week Boot camp classes were awesome and challenging. Which I needed because of the Memorial Day holiday this weekend. With a state job I got Monday off (YYEESSS) but that also means a lot of tasty good around. I did indulge on Saturday with BBQ Ribs, and twice baked potatoes, and Oreo cupcakes. Yea… told you I indulged. Friday and Sunday were great though, two shakes each day, Meat and Veggies for dinner, and kept the starches/carbs very low both days. I am going to start a cleanse tomorrow to rebalance, because I still don’t feel right (bloated and ‘fluffy’). Excited to try out my first 2 day!! I also tried a new shake recipe called “cinnamon toast crunch” which consists of French vanilla Isalean shake, PBfit, banana, and a little cinnamon. Tastes amazing!! That is actually my new favorite recipe of the week! I used a lot of breakfast food for my dinner (brinner in my house), which is fine, always packed full of protein, and deliciousness. I like to add salsa to my eggs, or avocado (if I have any on hand). Sweet potatoes take the place of regular potatoes too. We also get farm fresh eggs from Clint’s mom and dad, so cage free!!
I thought maybe some people were wondering what kind of workouts I have been doing at home. I have a couple that I have written up, and sometimes I will write up more if I feel like what I am doing is getting old. Here are a couple I have written to do over my lunch hour, so they aren’t very long. You can always do them 2X or 3X for a longer workout, or if you’re just a complete badass☺. Here they are:
15 Min workout:
Each exercise is 45 seconds, with a 15 second rest. You can also do 1 full minute instead of 45 seconds.
- Squat with a hammer curl (using heavy dumbbells)
- Jumping jacks-fast
- Sumo Squat (wide leg, toes pointed out) holding weight (heavy dumbbells).
- Jumping Jacks- fast
- Squat Jumps for 30 sec, then last 15 mini squat jumps.
- Chest press on the floor, with legs in the air. (you can have your legs straight out for a harder workout)
- Forearm plank
- Reverse chest flys
- Knee to elbow plank
- Upright row with dumbbells.
- Burpees- no pushup (you can add the pushup for a harder set).
- V-Up abs
- Toe touches ( I use a raise part of my floor, but a box, or bosu ball or even a pillow will do).
- Abs- Leg Drops
- Jack Squats (jumping jacks, but you squat when legs are apart)
Here is my 20 minute workout, same time intervals. Most of them are pretty similar stuff, mostly because I like them, and I feel like I can do more with exercises I like.
- Sitting kick trough’s
- Sumo Squat thrusts with weight (kettle bells work great for this, but a dumbbell works too).
- Sitting Kick trough’s
- Shoulder press with 1 arm-Right
- Shoulder press with 1 arm –Left
- Triceps dips (or your can use the weight behind your head for triceps lifts).
- Running man
- Alternative push-ups, side to side.
- V-up abs
- 1 legged deadlift with weight-right leg
- 1 legged deadlift with weight-left leg
- Hand plank
- Right side hand plank
- Left side hand plank
- Burpees
- Bicycle Abs
- Jumping Jacks-fast
- Leg Drops
- Jump, jump squat side to side- fast.
Lastly, here is my 25 minute workout, I wrote this one up today, and it was the perfect time for me to do over my lunch.
- Squat with weight, shoulder press with stand up.
- Jumping step ups
- Good mornings- wide legged
- Good mornings- legs touching
- Lunge jumps
- Regular curls
- Forearm plank
- Hammer curls
- Cross-body mountain climbers
- Triceps dips
- V-up abs
- Bicycle abs
- Leg drops
- Side plank dips-right side
- Side plank dips- left side
- Hydrant kick- right side
- Donkey kick- right side
- Hydrant kick –left side
- Donkey kick-left side
- Squat Thrusts, hands on the floor
- Chest to the floor pushups (I push my chest to the floor, and lift my hands off the ground before pushing myself back up).
- Sitting kick trough’s
- X-Squats
- Burpees
- Mini Sumo squat jumps- barely jump off the floor.
Here are also some of my favorite calorie information charts. I don’t count calories really, but its good to know what is in what you are eating ☺
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