Tuesday, May 31, 2016

4 weeks already??

Wow… is it really 4 weeks already?? I cannot believe this is already 1/3 of the way through, how nuts!! The isabody challenge ends 8/2/2016 for me, and I just booked my tickets to go to Celebration with my good friend Molly, who I haven’t seen in YEARS! I am so glad that we have connected, and we are building my new business together. I’ll admit it’s a lot to handle also working a full time job, with a self-employed husband, who is also getting his master’s degree (yes he is a really good a multi-tasking), but the last few months have opened my eyes to something better, which is helping people. I used to think of my life as a very negative thing, too much to do, too little time. I never have enough money. I never get to go on vacation. I have to work all the time. I can’t lose weight. I can’t afford it. How negative and awful right?? Well I’ve realized that because of my negative mindset, I have been failing at tasks I could have accomplished years ago. If only I would have just believed in myself. Sounds pretty simple right?? I’m not a psychiatrist, I’m not a doctor, and I don’t know it all. But I do know now that if you tell yourself you can, you CAN, and you WILL. I started learning this during my workouts. Once I told myself “get out of bed!!!” I did, every day. And when I kept telling myself “Push harder, you can finish”, turns out, I could. I’m not perfect, and I still have doubts about things, but I now know that as long as I have confidence, and believe that I can accomplish what I set my mind to, it WILL HAPPEN!
This week Boot camp classes were awesome and challenging. Which I needed because of the Memorial Day holiday this weekend. With a state job I got Monday off (YYEESSS) but that also means a lot of tasty good around. I did indulge on Saturday with BBQ Ribs, and twice baked potatoes, and Oreo cupcakes. Yea… told you I indulged. Friday and Sunday were great though, two shakes each day, Meat and Veggies for dinner, and kept the starches/carbs very low both days. I am going to start a cleanse tomorrow to rebalance, because I still don’t feel right (bloated and ‘fluffy’). Excited to try out my first 2 day!! I also tried a new shake recipe called “cinnamon toast crunch” which consists of French vanilla Isalean shake, PBfit, banana, and a little cinnamon. Tastes amazing!! That is actually my new favorite recipe of the week! I used a lot of breakfast food for my dinner (brinner in my house), which is fine, always packed full of protein, and deliciousness. I like to add salsa to my eggs, or avocado (if I have any on hand). Sweet potatoes take the place of regular potatoes too. We also get farm fresh eggs from Clint’s mom and dad, so cage free!!
I thought maybe some people were wondering what kind of workouts I have been doing at home. I have a couple that I have written up, and sometimes I will write up more if I feel like what I am doing is getting old. Here are a couple I have written to do over my lunch hour, so they aren’t very long. You can always do them 2X or 3X for a longer workout, or if you’re just a complete badass☺. Here they are:
15 Min workout:
Each exercise is 45 seconds, with a 15 second rest. You can also do 1 full minute instead of 45 seconds.
  1. Squat with a hammer curl (using heavy dumbbells)
  2. Jumping jacks-fast
  3. Sumo Squat (wide leg, toes pointed out) holding weight (heavy dumbbells).
  4. Jumping Jacks- fast
  5. Squat Jumps for 30 sec, then last 15 mini squat jumps.
  6. Chest press on the floor, with legs in the air. (you can have your legs straight out for a harder workout)
  7. Forearm plank
  8. Reverse chest flys
  9. Knee to elbow plank
  10. Upright row with dumbbells.
  11. Burpees- no pushup (you can add the pushup for a harder set).
  12. V-Up abs
  13. Toe touches ( I use a raise part of my floor, but a box, or bosu ball or even a pillow will do).
  14. Abs- Leg Drops
  15. Jack Squats (jumping jacks, but you squat when legs are apart)

Here is my 20 minute workout, same time intervals. Most of them are pretty similar stuff, mostly because I like them, and I feel like I can do more with exercises I like.
  1. Sitting kick trough’s
  2. Sumo Squat thrusts with weight (kettle bells work great for this, but a dumbbell works too).
  3. Sitting Kick trough’s
  4. Shoulder press with 1 arm-Right
  5. Shoulder press with 1 arm –Left
  6. Triceps dips (or your can use the weight behind your head for triceps lifts).
  7. Running man
  8. Alternative push-ups, side to side.
  9. V-up abs
  10. 1 legged deadlift with weight-right leg
  11. 1 legged deadlift with weight-left leg
  12. Hand plank
  13. Right side hand plank
  14. Left side hand plank
  15. Burpees
  16. Bicycle Abs
  17. Jumping Jacks-fast
  18. Leg Drops
  19. Jump, jump squat side to side- fast.

Lastly, here is my 25 minute workout, I wrote this one up today, and it was the perfect time for me to do over my lunch.
  1. Squat with weight, shoulder press with stand up.
  2. Jumping step ups
  3. Good mornings- wide legged
  4. Good mornings- legs touching
  5. Lunge jumps
  6. Regular curls
  7. Forearm plank
  8. Hammer curls
  9. Cross-body mountain climbers
  10. Triceps dips
  11. V-up abs
  12. Bicycle abs
  13. Leg drops
  14. Side plank dips-right side
  15. Side plank dips- left side
  16. Hydrant kick- right side
  17. Donkey kick- right side
  18. Hydrant kick –left side
  19. Donkey kick-left side
  20. Squat Thrusts, hands on the floor
  21. Chest to the floor pushups (I push my chest to the floor, and lift my hands off the ground before pushing myself back up).
  22. Sitting kick trough’s
  23. X-Squats
  24. Burpees
  25. Mini Sumo squat jumps- barely jump off the floor.
Well, those are my favorite home workouts so far! If you have questions, please feel free to text/call/Facebook me, anything I can do to help people get healthy, and happy, I’m in!!
Here are also some of my favorite calorie information charts. I don’t count calories really, but its good to know what is in what you are eating ☺

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