Saturday, October 26, 2013

Baby week 16

16 weeks! Holy cow its crazy to think we will get to find out what we are having in 3.5 weeks from now! People keep asking me what I think I am having which is a hard question to answer. Mostly because EVERYONE says I am having a girl, which I believe has made my dreams create a tiny little girl that I dress up in headbands and dresses with big blue eyes and toe head blonde hair. But the more I think about it a boy would not be so bad either. His dad is handsome so I wouldn't mind having a handsome little boy that he could take out hunting, fishing, and working on man stuff you know? Either way Clint and I are both VERY anxious to find out so very soon. The past two weeks were great, my very best friend Kenna came to visit and kept referring to my little bean as baby Ulysses. What a terrible name for a child! She was just being funny, and she did give us some much better ideas for names that we are still passing around. I am also very anxious to start feeling some kicking I hear that is just the absolute best thing about being pregnant and I can't wait to experience that miracle. As each day goes on I feel like I get bigger and bigger but still waiting for that 'pregnant' look. I am sure this is probably frustrating for all new moms since no one can tell you are actually pregnant, and you are barely fitting into your favorite jeans. Needless to say after my next appointment I will be hitting up Target for some hopefully awesome maternity deals!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Baby week 14!

So I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my great friend Melinda. She made a blog for her first child and I thought I might do the same. Not only to track my progress physically, but mentally as I go through this crazy life journey of pregnancy and becoming a mom (Ah! I can't believe that is going to happen!). So this is my first post of me at 14 weeks. I honestly didn't think I would ever get my energy back, but I finally have this week. Things are really starting to excite me and I'm ready to start buying things! My last few weeks were pretty hard to get through, I had the morning sickness, headaches, tiredness, you name it I had it! Clint is finally getting dinners when he gets home from work, and I can start actually walking my dog rather than driving him to the park. Another great new trait is that before I felt very angry in my first few weeks, not for any reason really but just mad and angry most of the time. Now I find myself just being very carefree and happy about almost anything. I even got insulted at work by a fellow co-worker and thought it was just hilarious! Hopefully that stays and I start getting a belly that I can be proud of. I am very excited for what is ahead for me in the future and to see how this new journey gives me paths to being a great mom. Oh and here is my first picture! My belly seems to be showing, but it is mostly Reeses's Puffs and Pizza (At least that is what I think!).